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A Heart for the Maasai

Tammy’s heart for the Maasai group in Kenya began over 20 years ago. 

Tammy attended a missions conference with her church when she met Tim Mantai. Tim and his wife, Lorna, were missionaries sharing the gospel and planting churches with the Maasai community in Kenya. Tim and Lorna, due to experiencing the challenges of disease, poverty, and a lack of relationship with Jesus, started AfricaHope, where Tim continues to serve as the director.

At that time, Tammy was also leading a girls’ bible study group that was studying David Platt’s book Radical. This book broke their hearts and inspired them to take action as they learned about unreached people in Africa. 

In 2013, after 6 months of praying daily for Africa, Tammy traveled with her church to learn more about AfricaHope and the Maasai community.

Tammy says this trip deeply affected her, changing her perspective and priorities. She realized that the amount of money it takes to make a drastic difference in a family’s life is so small. 

Tammy initially partnered with two children and their families through the Family Partners program. Her support helped these families thrive by improving access to clean water and food, education, and spiritual welfare.

She later learned of another boy in Kenya who was sick.  Many of these children do not have the option for healthcare, and their prognosis is poor. She prayed and cried for this little boy and his family. Tammy felt it was an answer to prayer when she learned that his family was also eligible to participate in the Family Partners program.  

Tammy has a heart for the Maasai people, and it’s impacting hundreds of families in Kenya.    

She advocates for Family Partners and has helped connect over 100 donors with families. She leads teams from her church and has visited Kenya four times. 

Tammy’s message to those of us living in the United States is this, “You need to get out of the context of the United States to see how big God really is.”

We serve a big God and thanks to the support of people like Tammy, lives are being changed in Kenya!


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