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Child Sponsorship
is now
Family Partners

Why Family Partners? 

From the beginning, we have sought to end extreme poverty by focusing on the child, through Child Sponsorship. What we had intended for one child, God has miraculously used to provide for the entire family. We are following God’s lead to care for the whole family as New International’s Family Partners. Our commitment to children remains the same, and their care will expand with this program.


It’s clear that God has been making a way for all of us to have an even greater impact. Family Partners gives you the opportunity to empower entire families, which results in more children being cared for, more fathers involved in the program, and expanding our reach in the communities. 

While we
are making improvements, much is staying the same 

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What you can expect:

 We continue to take a holistic approach to address four indicators of poverty: spiritual, wellness, livelihood, and education. This is all part of one dynamic strategy to end extreme poverty and transform lives globally. 


Your current monthly gift to your sponsored child will now be allocated to care for the child’s entire family. On your donation receipt, the former Child ID number (ex. CS Lemayan 1234) will be replaced by the Family ID number (ex. FP Depe 5678) for your sponsored child's family. 


Your $30 monthly donation will still be allocated as before: 

  • Direct Give - for cash transfers that empower parents to meet their family’s unique needs. 

  • Family Care - for spiritual development, psychosocial care, and financial literacy.

  • Education - for school fees, books, and uniforms for all school-age children in the family.

  • Team Share - used to expand the overall mission of New International to proclaim Christ and make disciples globally.

You can connect with the family you’ve partnered with in ways that honor their culture:

  1. Journal and share with us how you are praying over the family and their community. We will collect prayers and pray over their local community in person.

  2. Send a photo of your family to the family you have partnered with. The Kenyan families, especially the children, love receiving photos and sending them in return. The Maasai are an oral culture, so to alleviate their stress and confusion, we will not facilitate the exchange of letters.

  3. Visit Kenya to encourage the family you're partnered with and learn more about their culture.

African Masai in Traditional Dress

God works in miraculous ways. He has indeed done more with your generous contributions than we could have imagined. He is using your gifts to transform not just one child's life but to uplift complete communities in the name of Jesus.  You can expect that as we partner together to empower families to overcome extreme poverty, real transformation will continue to happen in the vulnerable communities we serve and that God is being honored in all that we do.

Thank you for being a partner!

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